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James H
Based on 1-800-Battery's information for my vehicle make model and year I picked an appropriate battery based on the three presented and set up an appointment to have the installation done a couple days later in the 8 to 10 AM time slot. A day or so later I received a call from 1-800-Battery saying the battery was not the right one despite the fact it was shown on their website for my car and I needed to pay an additional $97 for te correct battery which I did. On the day scheduled for installation I was told the installer had to go pick up the battery and would be late despite the fact it was 2 days after I had paid the $97. He finally arrived around 11:00 and proceeded to replace the battery. Upon completion of the installation I was toldby the installer who had no paperwork for me that I would receive an email with the warranty information on the battery. To date I have received nothing from 1-800-Battery and I have been trying to contact them as several days after installation i have found multiple parts from my car that were removed during the battery installation and never reinstalled. I am currently trying to have the installer return to complete the work and obtain the warranty. So far I am very disappointed.
5 months ago
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