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Alicia C
TLDR: The installer installed the battery wrong and I had to pay to tow the vehicle and pay another shop to connect the battery properly. I called, emailed and live chatted with 1800battery to have a battery delivered and installed. I should've known the company was sus when the LIVE chat agent just stopped answering the chat randomly in the middle of the booking and never came back after 20 minutes. After booking via phone, 1800battery came a few hours later with the wrong battery. Thank God I was not on the side of the road. He had to leave and come back with the correct battery. The car still wouldn't start after he left so I figured the car must've been having additional issues. Long story short, car towed to repair shop and I found out 1-800 battery didn't install the "+" side of the battery correctly. The poor guy just didn't know what he was doing and shouldn't be installing batteries. I'm not sure how they vet their people. Now I have 2 additional bills on top of their bill. Disgusting work and a waste of $$$.
2 months ago
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