tarted with $250 then invested $1,000 then went to $10,000 then went to $15,000 beginning in early November. They made my 250 go to 1000 within a couple of weeks. They also showed me how I can take out any money out whenever I want and we used $10 as an example. The reason I continuue to invest more was they forced me as I had to save the account as my margin went below 100% and I would lose all of my money. The individuals Felix and Chris would pass me up to their financial department for explanation. This was the 2nd phase of high pitch, forceful selling. They would call every 20 minutes with another reason and forcefully try to tell me I was going to lose all of my money. I said fine and they actually put 11,000 into my account as a credit as it took me time to sell stocks from my TFSA then clear them then transfer the money to them through NDAX. What a JOKE! But I fell for it so no one to blame but myself. In the interim they tried to get me to buy Oil contracts. They had a customer who was going to make 250,000 and he would split the profits if we bought today. Therefore I could make 125,000 within 2 weeks guaranteed but I had to invest 50,000. It didn't make sense that a person give away 125,000 within 2 weeks so I asked him why he didn't go for this. Anyhow, it is a complete and total scam. After they had my 15,000 fully invested my account once again was going to be margined out and I was going to lose everything. I said that was fine. The accounts margin went from 90% down to 55% and I said NO MORE MONEY! Within a week the account went back up to 92% margin however I couldn't sell. They couldn't explain really why I couldn't sell as I would have been able to get out only losing less than half of my money but the account was LOCKED. January 3rd comes along and the computer sold all of my positions leaving me with $950 in the account. They, of course, were not responsible, and couldn't do anything. For 2 days now I have been trying to get my $950 but now I have to apply for a withdrawal which is controlled, yet again, by another department. This company is a TOTAL SCAM. Do not invest, do not listen to a word they say. I have invested for over 40 years. They want to be partners but only when you are profitable and they take 5% of the profit sold. My name is Brian and please email me at bep3658 at gmail dot com for input if you like. I could afford to lose this money however they lost 15,000 within 8 weeks and now won't give me back my $950.00 that is in my account. It is okay for me to withdraw $10 but to withdraw the entire amount means that I am closing the account and you have to apply for this type of withdrawal and the financial department will be calling me. DO NOT be taken like I was and I feel that I am a savvy investor in the normal stock markets and know what I am doing. I took a high risk and knew this in order to make high money. This was a mistake that I will never do again. My fault but be wiser than I and do not waste your hard earned money. A total SCAM. I will await to see if I get my $950 back but I am not holding my breath. WOW! If only I could get a hold of these people. I email them everyday, once you put money in, you can’t get it out. I finally was able to get my money back with the help of a recovery chargeback service done by seekr ail.,,c 0m). His reliable chargeback firm, you can contact him if you need, He can help you get your life back like he did for me, I guess this information may be useful.