I am quite concerned about a situation my Fiancée is put in. She fairly recently (October of 2020 ) purchased a Predator PT315-52 Gaming laptop with the intention of playing games occasionally, but mostly doing university classes. It worked well for the first bit, but then quickly started to fail during use due to overheating of the CPU. We both have technical backgrounds so we did all the basic troubleshooting and our own tests which tech support would run ie; programs to monitor temps, hardware scan programs etc. We came to the conclusion it was dried up thermal paste on the CPU; which was later confirmed by their tech support. They replaced a few parts inside, ran some tests said it’s good to go and sent it back. Super excited to get back on track in school cause she’s now falling behind, and we would like to play games together because sadly we’re apart right now and that is our only entertainment we can have with each other. She starts to install some things, gets windows to do some updates but then suddenly gets a blue screen of death (bsod). Figured whatever, maybe its some corrupt data due to hardware swaps, do a system wipe. BSODS during that, finally gets through and all is good for a bit, start to install some games, programs. Suddenly it bsods again, again and continues to bsod while doing medial tasks such as switching programs on desktop, she got 8 bsods in the matter of 2 hours.
We purchased this premium product with the hopes of being able to stand by the Acer brand and use it with pride. This will have been in the shop for a total of a month, if not longer. The technicians replaced parts, said they tested it returned it to us more broken than when we previously sent it in.
They rendered it unusable.
The way we’ve been treated by the support teams has been completely ridiculous, she is on the verge of failing university courses as a result of this, and all they can say is “sorry we can’t even check on the progress of your laptop because our network is down”. I’m sorry, but this is completely unacceptable from a company of their caliber. They will have completely rebuilt the product by this time, if it even works at this point. Why haven’t they just cut their losses and sent us a new laptop, it’s been in the shop longer than it has properly worked as advertised. We would have been happy customers, but now we are super upset with due to the fact that she may fail university and be out a lot of money.
We can't check progress on the repair cause their websites down, can't call in to get it cause they get it from the same place. They can't get us any info whatsoever and can't give us an eta on when we'll get it back other than "check back in another day or two". I was told I was going to get a call back by one of their supervisors but I never was.
They have not offered ANY compensation for the distress this has caused in any way shape or form, they seem to reluctantly want to even talk to us.