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It has proved impossible to log into my account and I have now found others more customer friendly providers. Like a lot of commercial outlets in Spain Amazon.es seems to be utterly clueless about customer service. I spent a fruitless 20 minutes trying to login to my account because my password wasn't accepted (it was correct but this always happens) - normally they send a link to your email but they have now substituted this for a challenge involving identifying black silhouettes or sounds - neither of these appear to work, and the instruction are simply inadequate. They have obviously responded to the increase in account fraud by introducing more security and have farmed the task out to clueless 20 something IT geeks - the result is an unfriendly customer service mess and you cannot of course get hold of customer services for help. I've concluded that Amazon is now too large to function properly and have simply stopped using them.
2 years ago
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