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Crystal Cleary
If you ever hear of these names; David Raffan the agent, Big Blue Properties, Axis Property Management of Grantham; Jack the agent, head for the hills! You ask to be present for a room inspection, as they are searching through 'everything!' Your pleas are ignored... They 'touch,' everything! Including your pants; it's not right, and thoroughly degrading! A Tenant told Axis Property Management of Granthams; housing Estate Agent, Jack, a Tenant had moved out. The response: the shower gets turned off for 24-72 hours; or until someone rings it in as a repair! The culprit; a very angry Jack or David; because they blame the remaining Tenants for keeping the fact the Tenant was planning to move; from them. This accusation is completely unfounded. David Raffan came from Big Blue Properties to co-join with Axis Property Management of Grantham; Jack is from the Axis organisation; but this pair 'David and Jack;' put Gangsters to shame! They are a pair of lying, scheming, deceitful thieves! You pay your rent once a month, it could be £375, £400, £425, £440. You pay the same day every month! You pay early. So why oh why does David get Jack too 'hound' and 'harass,' you for another payment, two weeks later? The lies are under the guise ' a payment has not been received for the month of May.' You say you paid; then Jack; who was trained by the 'master' of scams, David; has the nerve to say to you " Can you confirm the date you paid?" I mean, seriously! Is this how they pay a Tenant who pays their rent early? They advertise they have a Cleaning Operative; clean the properties monthly....that soon stops! Try more like every two too four months! The Cleaning Operative empties a newly vacant room of it's rubbish; left by the Tenant who's moved on. They enter the kitchen and dump the rubbish right up against the back door! Do these Cleaning Operatives not have training? You should never block an exit! The Cleaning Operative walks right past the kitchen Rubbish that's in the bins; seems allergic to emptying bins! They then leave VIA the front door totaly ignorant to the fact 'council big bins,' are sat their by the front gardens gate, waiting to be filled with...er...the rubbish they just discarded in the house; and the kitchen waste they didn't give two hoots about! David will take revenge if you say 'anything he does not like.' If you get an email, from Axis Property Management of Grantham; who are active in Birmingham; announcing ' someone has reported shower/s are not working; but didn't state what property this was at; can someone confirm which shower/s; where?' That's David, turned off the showers out of spite! It could be something as simple as you asking about the security of the house; as someone keeps entering rooms whilst on a telephone; and it's a voice that you don't recognise. You could be asking how many people have keys to the property; when was the last lock change? David takes this as a personal attack on his pride. He is delusional about what goes on at these properties, has no empathy and frankly does not care! All he cares about is having a great reputation as a housing agent; and the money! If you say 'anything,' that goes against his 'fantasy bubble' two things can happen: Shower or showers mysteriously stop working Your room is entered whilst your out; New Razors, New face masks, lots of re-usable strong shopping bags, cans of soup, and cans of pop are stolen. David is behind this! He's now trained Jack as an accomplice; so Jack also is involved. You can be sure it's one or the other, out of this smiley pair! Beware, beware you better take care; scoundrels operate in the Axis Property Management out there!
3 years ago
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