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Emma Davis
I broke my right ankle at the start of July, at the same time I sprained my left ankle. With a week I'd had an operation on my right ankle to insert pins and realign, ready for the healing to begin. Sent home with crutches, and instructions not to weight bear on my right foot for the next six weeks! Quickly I realised life was going to be impossible!! As my left ankle suffered to bear all the strain, I became more and more frustrated. As an active, independent self employed business owner, with a family to care for, being laid up on the sofa all day was just not me! So I hired a wheelchair from my local redcross and a knee scooter, these gave me small "steps" back to independence, but buying my i-walk, changed the game! The i-walk gave me real independence, it has enabled me to put equal pressure across my body, not all my weight on my left leg is so good. I can go freely around the home doing the tasks I would normally do, I am able to get myself properly ready for the day, makeup on and hair straightened for the first time in weeks! And most importantly we have been able to go on holiday, not our fly cruise as originally planned, due to a no fly ban from my surgeon! But a holiday in the UK, as it was a last minute booking we were unable to get accommodation for a wheelchair, or with handrails in shower, but with the i-walk I didn't need these. Managing the steps into the accommodation with ease, getting around as if I was fully mobile again has taken this inforced period of "downtime" much more bearable. I did "um n err" for a couple of days before I purchased the i-walk, all I can say is DO IT, take the time to fit it correctly and watch the videos, take your time getting around and confidence will come along with a freedom that a wheelchair, crutches or knee scooter can not provide!
5 years ago
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