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Sean M
My sleep is highly irregular. I often use RXs, supplements, scotch, and/or loud music to help me drift off - but I have trouble ballparking actual sleep vs just laying in bed. Now that I'm using my Biostrap, I both know and track my sleep metrics. I can now start associating time-to-fall-asleep, sleep quality, and sleep efficacy (recovery) with all my personal and environmental factors. I start recording sleep in the app when I lay down so Biostrap even reports how long it takes me to fall asleep every night, along with when I wake during the night (and for how long) and tracks me as I drift between light and deep sleep. Biostrap is providing a plethora of useful information and all I have to do is put on a surprisingly comfortable wristband (I'm not a watch wearer) before getting in bed. After aggregating half a month of my data, it's now providing recommendations for sleep routines. I can see daily, weekly, and monthly trends and even compare my actual sleep vs Biostrap's recommendations based on my vitals. I definitely made the right choice with Biostrap to discover my sleep metrics. If I stop being a couch potato, I'll get to check out Biostrap's fitness capabilities. For now, I'm just thankful to get accurate data on my sleep.
2 years ago
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