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So I ordered my MSI, laptop (11 in stock) the website said. Paid for next day delivery. So the next day, funny, no notification either by text or email of order dispatch. So I gave them a call at 1603. They blabbed something about an order issue but it would be sent tonight. At 1617, 15 minutes after speaking to a "customer service assistant" over their no helpline, I received a text telling me to call them as there was an issue with my order. Probably their customer services guys waking up after I had to prompt them I thought, but let's give them a call anyway. After an 8.30 minute 30 second wait and two further phone calls, I finally established from them that they not actually have the stock, contrary to what their website says (and also their Amazon page), due to a "project manager error" and have no idea as to when I shall receive. If they were honest from the start, I'd most likely have said, "OK, just refund postage fees". However I have no time for liars, or those who can't be bothered to explain the truth and fob you off with "I don't know" as if I have Inconveience them by ordering something from their business. Ordered cancelled, let's go somewhere they an even sound slightly interested over the phone! PS, this incident happen only 3 minutes ago.
9 years ago
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