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Well what a shame considering they seemed to deliver perfectly well last time. I have a rather odd experience with this company in that I'll place an order, they'll get it out to me in good time, I place a second and it's a complete and utter shambles. This has happened twice now so it's only fair to mention it. My recent order was both wrong, incomplete and late. My order was supposed to be sent express delivery Royal Mail 3-5 days and this is what I was charged for however it wasn't even shipped until 4 working days after my order being placed and paid for! I had to chase it up and contend with emails lying about it being shipped so you may well have "Jasmine" telling you it's been shipped but with no extra info because she's provably lying. I was sent the wrong product, both the one I ordered and the "free samples" and I was also short 30 pills (30!). I honestly don't know if it even would've been shipped when it was if I hadn't have sent a very displeased email about it. Not only have I had my time and money wasted, I'm also still down 30 pills! You'll notice other people mentioning the poor shipping and I can honestly say it's pot luck whether you'll get the delivery service you've paid for. Their shipping is ridiculously expensive as it is - in my case it was more expensive than my order and they still couldn't fulfill the time frame. So, have I received my order? Yes, partly but it's a complete roll of the dice with these guys. I think they believe that being disarming through very polite and apologetic responses when there's an issue will be enough to remedy the situation but it doesn't when they repeatedly screw orders up. I don't know whether they have a record of what's been physically packed in each order but zero attempts have been made to fulfill my missing product let alone offer some sort of good will gesture. It seems as though it's tough luck. If I remember rightly, they also used to send product out in separate paper envelopes inside the package but they don't even bother doing that any more. The shipping cost is absolutely disgusting considering they never really have any intention of fulfilling it to whichever method you've requested. Surely it's better to not offer a particular service if you can't provide it and avoid the complaints. I think they feel as though they're basically sending people refreshers and love hearts as opposed to prescribed medication. Do I still recommend them? I guess if you're in a bind but for the love of liza, order as SOON AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN and seriously consider your quantity as my last order has basically been a pick and mix.
5 months ago
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