1970 We purchased vehicles,for each other & children.NEVER once had a BOW! The unbelievable kindness, stressless experience,with the knowledge of vehicles & the process of purchasing a vehicle, Tyler Lane has, with treated us like family, is a memory that will be hard to forget. The experience didn't stop there, THE DREADED SIGNING ROOM, (in Pennsylvania its call a Finance office). Nell Whitehouse greeted us as a Professional, loving her job! Gary insists I talk too much,especially when I am nervous. (He said as, we were leaving you know you started BABBLING,but he realized I was out of control with my jokes & stories.) Nell didn't seem to mind, in fact her attitude, (even though she was trying to concentrate on completing the paperwork) I felt her facial expressions and body language made me feel like she was really enjoying our time, with her. Once again, being 63 & 64 we have had plenty of experiences with car dealers and Carmax, yesterday, has us wonder WHY WHY was yesterday the first time we even purchased a car from you. WORD OF MOUTH IS YOUR BEST ADVERTISER! TV, radio, signs, lights circling the sky, is needed, to make us slow learners, to get to you, but we will be talking about our newly purchased van for many years, with your name Carmax, the best and only place to go. You are Blessed to have such great employees, and whoever started this company, Thank-You we only wished you were around in 1970. Gary & Donna Bennett.