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Cashplus has frozen my business account which has over £10,000 in it. They initially said it was for security reasons and needed me to answer a few questions which I have done. They are now holding my funds and will not give me a date as to when I will receive them. My business that is due to launch soon is an online clothing line which decided to produce clothing to be distributed free to children displaced by the recent earthquake disaster in Turkey; a number of friends and family donated funds towards the production of the clothing, only for Cashplus to place a freeze on the account. I have provided all of the information required by Cashplus to them and they took the decision to close the account. I don't take issue with this as they are entitled to do so and I would rather bank with one of the major banks anyway as Cashplus does not offer many of the features the major banks do and their customer service is shoddy to say the least. We also received lots of calls from friends and family stating that they had tried to make a payment into the Cashplus account only for it to be rejected by their bank as Cashplus is known to be an online bank used by fraudsters! Cashplus is clearly not ideal for use as a business account or even a personal account where regular payments will be received into the account. Having provided Cashplus with all of the information requested and subsequently bank details for them to transfer the balance of the closed account to, having already held the funds for over two weeks, they are now stating that the transfer of funds could take up to 30 days! They are also refusing to refund payments to those who have made them into the account. This is absolutely scandalous behaviour from a truly shoddy excuse for a 'bank'. While it may be easy to set up a Cashplus bank account, don't put yourselves through the inevitable hassle, difficulties and problems that you will face using a Cashplus account.
1 year ago
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