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AVOID THIS BANK AT ALL COST IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN BUSINESS READ THE SMALL PRINT. TOTALLY USELESS CUSTOMER SERVICES WHO DEFLECT AND APOLOGISE BUT CAN DO NOTHING TO SERVICE CUSTOMERS EMERGENCY NEEDS DUE TO THEIR LACK OF CARE FOR YOUR MONEY OR REGARD FOR YOUR WELLBEING OR BUSINESS INTERESTS Froze my account for absolutely no reason and when asked if there was security breach, they said "no security breach" But the email they sent and froze the account was that they need to verify my identity with 4 proofs of identity and address. After pulling that together and sending. Customer Services have no record of receiving as its not their department and cannot even tell you the department to speak to and don't have a name or number for you to phone to try and speed things up. Operator just continually apologises and said they can only message internally and have no access to your account. Do not care if your business can loose its liquidity because they freeze your account and dont give a reason and can't talk to anyone to resolve. In their terms and conditions they deflect all responsibility. they say it can take upto 10 working days to get back running again "Shocking" cant pay wages or suppliers or ret tax you name it. Your Business basically would cease to be able to Trade at a whim of this "Bank"and you cannot speak to a soul who can actually sort things out or help. This is not Stewardship of your money or affairs. This is Daylight Robbery of your ability to function as a business and that of your employees to have their wages paid timeously and securely and be able to pay your debts on time. Surely this should not be allowed to happen in this day of technology. Meantime I have to wait to hear by whatever means they also cannot let me know or tell me who will contact me or process the paperwork sent. So you are effectively out of business because of their ammature actions which they refute responsibility for as its in their terms and conditions they are not to blame for anything. 10. Blocking your card and access to your account 10.1 We may suspend or restrict your access to your account, suspend or restrict the use of your card, cancel your card, or refuse to issue or replace your card, if: (a) we suspect that your account or card is being used in an unauthorised, illegal or fraudulent way; (b) we are concerned about the security of your account or card; (c) we need to do so to keep to relevant law; or (d) the agreement between you and us has been cancelled as described in section 15. 10.2 If we take any of the actions shown above in clause 10.1, if possible, we will tell you by phone or email, giving our reasons, unless the law or any reasonable security measure prevents us from doing so. If it is not possible to give you notice of the action, we will tell you as soon as possible afterwards. 10.3 We will restore your access to your account or unblock your card as soon as reasonably possible after the circumstances giving rise to the action no longer apply. We will tell you when we have done this. 14.6 We will not be liable for:(a) business interruption; or (b) loss of income, reputation, goodwill, business opportunity or anticipated savings; or (c) any loss or damage which does not stem directly from us breaking these terms and conditions. 14.7 We will use reasonable efforts to make your card, Online Banking and our Mobile App available to you, but we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising if they are unavailable at any time, or if access to them is interrupted. 14.8 Other than the losses we are not liable for (set out in clauses 14.4 to 14.7 above), and liability we cannot limit or deny (see clause 14.3), our maximum total liability to you under or in connection with these terms and conditions is limited to £1000 in any 12-month period.
1 year ago
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