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**Body shaming** If it doesn't fit you then they "professionally" body shame you. As if you measuring yourself and weighing yourself would actually change their entire line of clothing. Check this out... It was a simple issue, that got resolved in one of the worse possible ways. I am XL. All my clothing is, and so that's what I ordered. Unfortunately, the dress was very tight and I couldn't get it past my shoulders. Not even, body, just the width of the shoulders. Well I contacted Chicme through Live Chat because that's the only way. (The Messenger chat is only a robot that repeats itself, or tells you the same thing the website already says) When they say they respond within 24 hrs, they do take it literally, it was the next day when I got a response. And check the wording out ... I was only trying to return a size that didn't fit what it should've been. The dress still has not been used. It hasn't even been the 14 days for the refund and in their "solution" they don't even mention a 100% refund even though it falls within guidelines.
1 year ago
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