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A company built on scamming with no guilty conscious and targeting small buinesses owners. Anyone that has upcoming court case with these people. Please check the evidence they submit. The initial date of contact email is likely to be made up. I have spoken to many people and this has been the case. Email court for a court order to get your incoming calls or if you go to court ask the judge for that. Ask for physical electronic proof of it. Fabricating evidence is contempt of court. Also go through every single email communication with them and every email received, make sure everything is genuine and no made up emails. For anyone that has only made the 5.99 payment, cancel your cards straight away as they will attempt to take out extra money without authorisation (this is theft report them it) , send an email stating to delete all your data. If further charges. Apply for chargeback. Do not engage with them at all. Ignore all communication. If you have been scammed by them do not communicate with them and just ignore them. Let them send you to court. Without their false evidence, they do not have any legal standing. Now that I have spoken to many people, I have noticed their whole argument is based on made up evidence and any engagement will be used against you. As soon as you notice the scam, change your card and ignore them. Let them send you to court and defend yourself. Truth always prevails. Genuine compainies usually try to liase through debt recovery agents before sending county court order. With scammers they send the court order to scare you to pay them off. Do not settle! Do not engage with them and let them send the county court order. When they provide the evidence, go through the evidence properly. No one would pay someone £954 to reduce business rates if its not a no win no fees case. They misrepersent their whole case and then use fabricated evidence to support it.
8 months ago
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