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Graham Macintosh
The review I write is simple and direct. I have stayed in the eastend of Glasgow for the last fifty years and in that time I can honestly say, I have hardly heard never mined seen adverts directly aimed at the small people who bearly make minium wage. Only since the millennium & the Internet has companies thought of the untapped market of small time investers and savers and the potential of what, if tapped into could generate for such said companies. Yes its true that if you have a few big time investors & earners, it certainly doesn't do the company no harm. However on the other hand if you had a company person who spoke the same street language that these people speak day in & out. Then they would be less inclined to skip over a said advert simply because they were being spoken to as a equal and not someone of a lesser starture. They would also instantly recognise a person who has come from the same stature, that they have grown up with all their lives. A kindred spirit, one that they relate to in a down to earth manner. Making them at best more relatable and trustworthy than the man in a Brooks three piece suit trying, it must be said most times unsuccessfully, to convince you that their policy is the only way to go. Just because some people are a lot less affluent than others doesn't mean they are dumber for it. In fact some people are a lot smarter than the person who is talking to them. They are only in that position though the old boys network or its family connection's that's taken then that far. Give me a working class hard grafting family person, over a, I believe my own hype, over privileged person who wouldn't have the street to me smarts too last a day in the eastend jungle. There is a fortune to be had in the rougher parts of Glasgow, its just picking the right person to go in and mine for it. I make no apology for speaking my mind. No doubt certain directors have too many yes men around them. Mores the fool them for letting a potential goldmine slip through their fingers. Yours truefully Graham Macintosh
3 years ago
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