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I ordered two times at D.Franklin. My first parcel arrived after about one month of waiting at my adress. About a week later I ordered another sunglasses and some pouches to the same andress and my order never arrived. After two months of waiting I e-mailed them and they replied that my andress doesn't exist and that my parcel got sent back to their department, eventhough they have sent me a parcel to the exact same adress before.They also told me that my sunglass mkdel I ordered isn't available anymore and that I have to look for a different model. That doesn't make any sense at all. Because they just got my parcel delivered back to their office and just have to resend it to my andress. How is it possible that my sunglasses model doesn't exist anymore if they have my parcel with my orders inside in front of them. It's a very suspicious company with a terrible customer service. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE. DON'T BUY ANYTHING FROM D.FRANKLIN !!!!!!!!!!!!
2 years ago
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