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Craig Mackay
A few months ago I purchased four identical frames with different lenses (one distant, one near, one photochromic distant and one sunglasses distant). Within a couple of weeks the first one failed with one of the arms detaching from the hinge. This was replaced free of charge after about 3 weeks. Then a 2nd one failed, and the 3rd one, or failing in the same way clearly indicating a faulty batch of frames. Next one of the ones that had been repaired also failed making a total of 4 failures over a few months. In addition, the photochromic lenses were clearly defective in that the lens had been inadequately polished before the antireflection coating was added to them. This produced rather curious diffraction patterns. As I work on optics in the University I was able to provide images to demonstrate the failings. After the 4th failure I decided to return all to DirectSight since it was clear that I could not rely on any of these glasses to last, and would be lost without them. I requested a full refund of the £278 paid for them. The company in fact refund it only £103 claiming that the lenses are never refunded. I have been buying glasses online for many years and had extremely pleased with them from a variety of suppliers. This is the first time I have used DirectSight and would certainly not use them again.
9 years ago
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