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Very poor customer service I brought a blazer for my boyfriend for Christmas. As it was expensive and as Christmas is an expensive time of year I always buy presents staggered over a few months prior to Christmas to help with budgeting. In this instance I bought the blazer in late September. Unfortunately, while my Boyfriend is normally a very standard size blazer, in this instance his normal size did not fit. I therefore approached Dobells for a straightforward exchange for the same blazer but in a different size. Dobells would therefore have not been at any loss at all by agreeing to the exchange. Sadly, however, Dobells will not agree to the exchange as it does not fall within the timescale stipulated in their returns policy. I appreciate that it would be inappropriate to ask for a return outside of the time scales given in their policy as this would technically put Dobells out of pocket, but, considering Dobells are at no loss at all if they were to exchange the blazer, and l am at a substantial loss with an expensive blazer that doesn't fit my other half considering they've refused, I can't agree this is a fair and considered customer service. My experience with other retailers has always been that they will exchange a product as a long as it has not been worn and the product is still stocked. I received two items of clothing for Christmas which I had to exchange. Both had labels on but I didn't have the receipts so they could have been bought in September. Neither retailer (Fat Face and Joules) questioned this and were happy to issue an exchange for different products with the same value. This is the customer service I expected from Dobells, but sadly it seems Dobells do not prioritise delivering a good service. Avoid avoid avoid
6 years ago
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