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Awful company - they supply fake Chinese PU non-leather products at 20x the price you can find the exact same items on ebay. Other similar companies in Ukraine supply real leather versions at less than half the price. We ordered a few sets for a photo shoot only for them to take our money and we heard nothing for over a month. We tried to cancel and they finally agreed (after ignoring many emails/whatsapp messages) but never acrtually refunder our $400.00. We ended up having to claim the money back under section 75 of the consumer credit card act with our credit card company. Also - if you do an image search of the images used on their website, you will see they have been taken from two other websites as well as ebay - i.e. fake. Also the "reviews" posted on their website itself are fake because if you try to find a drharness account at the review website mentioned they don't exist. THEY ARE A FAKE COMPANY SELLING FAKE PRODUCTS - AVOID!
4 years ago
Read www.drharness.com Reviews
www.drharness.com has a 2.3 average rating from 6 reviews

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