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Steve B
Very useful service. There are three main benefits. The first is that you can get detailed, thorough quotes from several vendors without contacting them individually. This is helpful because if you contact them directly they'll often want to take as much of your time as possible to build a relationship, etc. So they'll want to do in-person calls and visits, etc. That's fine if they turn out to be one of your top choices but it's not a great first step from the consumer's perspective. The second great benefit is that you can compare the quotes in a very detailed and precise way since all of the vendors essentially fill out entries in a database. You can use EnergySage to directly compare cost, features, specs, etc. thoroughly. The quotes I got outside of EnergySage were far less forthcoming with details, equipment specs, etc. The last major benefit is that all interaction with vendors is through EnergySage unless you decide to give out your email or phone number. This lets you control the conversation. All of the vendors that I interacted with were responsive and helpful. Solar companies do not make it easy for consumers to know all of the information before making a purchase decision. Things like dealer fees are likely not explained to most people and not sure if EnergySage makes dealer fees clear are not but EnergySage does help to give the consumer an assist. Definitely do your research as well but EnergySage was definitely helpful for me.
2 years ago
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