I had a very negative customer experience with Mary McArthur at Expert4x. On Friday, July 14, 2023 I had been perusing the Expert4x website and noticed right at the top of the Expert4x home page in big bold font advertisement for a 14 day trial for the Expert Advisor Linking Service, which I assumed to be free, as I think most clients would. I clicked on the link and it took me to a web page with a whole bunch of information on the trial, but no link to start the trial. I sent an email to Expert4x inquiring of how to start the trial and some other details, to which Mary replied that the trial was expired.
I informed her that the home page of Expert4x still was advertising the trial and that I considered that to be false advertising and a bate and switch tactic. It surprised Mary to know that the trial was still being advertised, as she asked me where it was being advertised, to which I responded, “on the Expert4x home page”. To that she replied that on the linked page there was a clear statement that said the trial was expired, and therefore they were not falsely advertising.
I am a very detail oriented person and in my careful reading of the website multiple times throughout the day, I did not once see that statement. I am not saying with 100% surety that that statement was not there, as the web page is very disorganized and overcrowded with information, so there is a slight chance that I missed it. But I did scour the web page multiple times and did not see it.
Mary seemed to take my statements very personally, as she proceeded to send me a couple more emails saying that the trial was never free and that I had been using the word “free” very loosely and that I was not reading the actual words on the web page, but making things up. This felt like an attack on me and that she was not concerned about providing good customer service, but rather discrediting me and/or proving me wrong. I felt very off put by these remarks and responded that I felt like she was being very rude and she responded that Expert4x would be “happy” to not take me on as a client due to my “inability to read simple sentences correctly.”
This lady does not know anything about me, nor my education background or IQ. I am very educated. I also hold a CPA license in the USA and have a very successful career in accounting. To make statements as Mary at Expert4x has done to me is not only very poor customer service, but really reflects poorly on Expert4x, to the extent that I would not recommend anyone do business with this company.
I have verified my statements regarding the term free with respect to the trial of the linking service with a few youtube videos from the founder of Expert4x, Alex du Plooy, and an affiliate of Expert4x, Hi-Tech Investments. In Alex’s video entitled "Do a 14 day trial. We have 46 accounts generating over 10 Percent a month that you can link to.", he stated that the 14 day trial was substantially free, costing $1 for the trial (start at 3:25 mark). Hi-Tech Investments did say that it was free in their video entitled "THE MONEY TREE EA/ROBOT JOINS THE EXPERT4X COPY LINK SERVICE" (start at 19:00 mark), so I don’t think my assumption of a free trial was too far off base.
Note: Expert4x took down from its home page on July 15 or 16 the verbiage about the trial.
Below are the links to those videos:
Alex du Plooy: 3:25 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36ReRT9dOcM
Hi-Tech Investments: 19:00 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfw-8g1OPsM
A few snippets conversation are below from Expert4x:
"That is not false advertising - when you click on the link it tells you the offer is expired!!!!!"
"I see that you use the word FREE very loosely. You seem to be conveniently missing the point that the Trial was never FREE. Client used to pay for the Trial. You seem to read what you want to read and not what is written. Not good if you want to be a Forex trader."
"Just as you do your due diligence about products and services, we do our due diligence about the clients we would like. Your inability to read simple sentences correctly make us very happy about your decision."