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Scam artists - watch out and don't sign up The app is essentially a glorified timer - it looks nice and shiny but in reality it's clunky, pointless and over promises! Not only that it's a whopping £30.99 per month!!! I literally cannot believe they have the guts to charge so much for something so basic. I have never seen anything so brazen from a company before. It's a complete scam in my eyes and once they have you signed up on the offer then there is no getting out of it. I contacted the customer service team for a refund as the app does not deliver and the sign up ads are misleading. They just chucked the T&C's at me and said no sorry we are keeping your money. Greedy. If the app was genuinely successful then for the few people that complain surely a refund is possible? However, I imagine everyone complains once they see the monthly costs come out of there account so they don't refund anyone as otherwise the app would make no money. Very greedy and very unethical. I feel sorry for vulnerable people out there who sign up for this stuff and are scammed by a company like this. Also watch out - the app does not log itself in your apple subscription section so easy to miss it! Another deceptive way for them to take your money and keep taking it. Who knows how they have good reviews written - reading them they seem fake to me as no one writes a review that mediocre unless they are paid or given something for free. AVOID!!!!
10 months ago
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