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Elizabeth C
Was really chuffed with my Flawless Skin purchase today as it came with an extra surprise and handwritten note. Purchased the Blemish + Age cleanser gel to add to my regimen of skinceuticals (night) retinol, discolouration defence serum and Morning Phloretin CF, discolouration defence and the factor 50 broad spectrum SPF. I’ve now been using this regimen for a couple of weeks now and have noticed a few really positive changes in my skin. Appearance wise it’s looking very healthy with a nice glow. I still need to wear make up as I suffer from spot scars and not very even skin but I must say the discolouration defence serum works instantly and give you a radiant glow. The spf is also gorgeous to wear and sinks into skin without feeling greasy. The retinol cream is working it’s magic in regards to the hormonal spots I’ve had recently appeared but then went away in a day or so with no marks or anything. I feel confident now I have to he cleanser gel I will have nailed my routine so I reduce the amount of congestion. Saying that the retinol appears to be helping me out with that as well. Drinking lots of water helps too. But glad I decided to invest in my skin and also feel like I’m getting value for money through flawless and the samples so thank you!
4 years ago
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