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I placed an order two weeks before i needed to have it delivered for my wife’s big 40th birthday on 22nd. On the 22nd i worked from home so i can make sure i received those flowers and give it to her that night. That afternoon nothing. i reached out to foryouflowers via online chat and they apologized saying that they can’t make it with the flowers, and they are sorry etc and will upgrade the flowers n guarantee it will get to me the next day priority delivery. I was not happy but will be busy taking my wife out to dinner etc so if it gets here the next day in the morning or early afternoon that will be fine… on the 23rd again i try to work from home just in case they try to deliver. By 1:00 pm nothing (deadline is 6:00 pm set by their company) at this point i reached out to them again online chat and again they said it will be delivered today because now it is out for delivery. ok no problem as long it gets to me early afternoon before my wife gets home than that is still fine. Now it is 5:30pm still no flowers,so i once again reached out to them via online chat and once again was told it is out for delivery. I asked them 1) i was told yesterday this will be priority delivery today why is it so late… (no answer) 2) i asked them deadline for delivery is set by your company at 6:00 pm and now it is 5:40 what guarantees do i have it will be here in the next 20 mins? at first no answer so i pushed and now the agent said I have seen delivery arrived between 7-730. (not impressed or believe them as this seems to be just another empty promises, the boy who cried wolf). I did wait till 8pm and nothing… Now it is the next day on the 24th at 10:10 am still NO FLOWERS. side note the 3rd online chat when i spoke with the agent he/she told me to call an 800# which is their automated 800# that you can’t get anyone to talk to other than bot. as i’ve already done so n entering my order number into their automatic system and only gotten a reply “can not locate your order.” I told the chat agent to call their 800# n he/she said “I am not authorized to call that number.” WHAT??? you are not authorized to call your company’s 800#??? WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THIS!!!!!!! —————— follow up… After messaging them on their Facebook page and posting what happened on yelp (which now they must have deleted or hide my yelp post as i can not see it anymore). They told me their supervisor will call me. i told them not to call me as i do not want to talk to them. if they have anything to say they can email me as i want it in writing. the next day on the 24th i got a missed call from their 800# with no voice mail. If your supervisor really wanted to talk to me than leave a voicemail! They did issue a refund in the early afternoon on the 24th, but said will take a few days to clear. we will see if that will process or just another empty promises just Like their deliveries.
2 years ago
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