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So i took the dive as i liked the design of the Billyoh Winchester log cabin with its advantages over other suppliers that it was under 2500 mm for regards to no planning needed. I read all reviews before purchase and before laying out the £3700 i spoke to one of the main guys in sales about my concerns with the quality of there supplied cabins and terrible reviews i had read, he assured me they were just "Diyer reviews whereas people did not know what they were doing" and there cabins come with no problems apart from the ones that are man made by the customer.I am a carpenter by trade so based on this i had no concerns. Based on this i placed the order with a promised delivery date of Friday 5th May if i placed my order now,to which i did. So firstly the cabin arrived later than the promised date of 5th May. The roof gables supplied with the cabin were the wrong size, all materials packed and banded into various different packs that once opened were soaked with black mould growing and the packing lists inside to check the parts were unreadable. The floor and roof to which i paid an additional premium to upgrade to 19mm thick turned up as a cheaper 4" T+G board not 6" as stated in the parts list, with this there were 2 different batches supplied which varied by 1/4" on widths ( Makes it impossible to match to floor which is in 2 pieces which is a stupid idea, floorboards should be one piece for strength). So because 4" was sent and not 6" i was over 40 pieces short to complete the cabin, these were requested on 22nd may on a 3-5 day turnaround, i did not receive these required parts until some 10 days later due to a "Glitch". This company recommends that this cabin needs to be fully assembled within 1 month of purchase,Ha Ha no chance, good luck with that one it will take you longer to receive All the correct parts. Also not enough roofing felt was sent, 25% of the 44mm timber side walls were split,twisted and looked like driftwood washed up on the beach!!.T +G floor and roof boards had more shakes and knot holes that i have ever seen in timber( Carcuss grade timber). Ok so if you do decide to purchase from this outfit beware of the following- Timber is of cheapest quality available split, twisted, shakes and an abundance of knotts!!!. So enough is enough you ask to speak to a Manager to try and get sense out of the Customer team, Ok so got put through to Carlo( supposed manager he told me) What a load of rubbish he is a glorified Team Leader of the blind leading the blind and did'nt have a clue what he was doing. Then there is the helpful members of the team who are illiterate and who can only reply to your emails by there email template!!! just sending you round and round in circles, these monkeys are obviously fed peanuts!!!. The customer service team is useless they are not interested in any problems you have, do not return your calls as promised, over 10 hrs on the phone to rectify all the problems being had, 30+ emails, passed from pillar to post. I had enough and decided to go direct to the CEO of the company for a resolve ( Details of the this companies CEO are readily available i.e Email and direct contact phone number just Google CEO of Garden BuildingsDirect/Billyoh. I had no response whatsoever but something must of worked because within 4 hours a i had a delivery date for all missing parts i had been waiting for and chasing for the past 10 days, Thanks , shame an email to the CEO was needed ,just backs up the comments about the useless, absolute hopelessness of the Non Existent Customer Service Team. So to round up this worst experience ever from an online supplier bear in mind the following that the CEO of this company used to be part of family who owned another Log Cabin company until sold by other family members to an outsider,their Log Cabins they sell there quality is far more superior. There policy seems to be to send out any old sh** even if wrong then once the customer complains send a another few bits over the course of the month!!! So to round it up if you do make a big mistake of using these clowns beware and get the following ready- Have plenty of wood coloured filler to fill all knot holes, shakes and splits, make sure you have a sander with copious amounts of 80 grit sandpaper to sand the fur off the carcuss timber which should be planed as well as the deep scratches and black mould. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED YOU WILL BE SORRY!!! Don’t be scammed just read all the reviews for cabins/sheds sold. 99% of the 3* plus reviews are for other items apart from garden buildings!!!!!Also check out All the reviews on Billyoh !!!! Dont be duped!!!!!*************************
1 year ago
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