All went well at first, and communication was good, with a lovely sense of flexibility when we had to do payments via a different office. Things went wrong with the actual printing, however. We sent in a text in an old (as in 400-year-old) font, on a normal PDF. That didn't work for GarmentPrinting, though, and they asked for the "Artwork ... as vectored files, preferably AI, EPS or PDF's using Adobe Illustrator." Since we couldn't do that at our end, we asked them to 'redraw', as they put it, the artwork, against a fee of an extra £25+VAT. And that's how Shakespeare's "Wee will meete, & there we may rehearse most ob-seenely, and coragiously. Take paines, bee perfit: adieu.” (Or, as we’d put it in modern English: “We will meet, and there we may rehearse most obscenely, and courageously. Take pains, be perfect: adieu.”) was turned into gobbledigook:
“Wee will merge, & there we may rebcarfe mofleb
feenely, and coragioufly. Take paines, bee perfit:adieu.”
Furthermore, the 'redrawing' had involved ditching the original font and using another font which may look similar to someone who isn't used to this stuff, but to us it's miles away from that of Shakespeare's first printed edition, which is what we wanted.
It's true that we were sent a proof before it got printed, but the proof was divided in a tiny image of the full printed bag, which is what I saw when I looked at the message, and only if you scrolled down could you see the transcription in detail. I missed that because I thought that the image I was looking at was the proof.
Anyway, we explained the situation and that the bags would be handed out at a specialist conference. To rectify the matter, we were offered a reprint at a discounted price of £100 for fifty bags. That was outside our budget (a small academic journal), since we'd already spent a large sum on the bags, so we had to just keep the bags as they were and apologise to the delegates at our conference. Very embarrassing. Won't be using this company again.
By the way, I wasn't going to write a review, but was asked to provide one just after my last exchange with the company. So it looks like they actually want me to tell this story.