On March 21, 2024, I hit a pothole while driving the interchange between highway 360 Northbound and 183 Westbound. This is a very rough road with several potholes. When my tire hit one pothole a certain way, it spun my car into the cement guardrail and a post near the end of the interchange. I went ahead a filed a claim because the damage to the front end, my tire, and the fender were significant. They approved to pay $2500 and I pay my deductible of $2500. I was waiting to ensure parts were in prior to taking my vehicle to the body shop because of my insurance company’s very strict rental policy and that the car was still drivable at the moment. A couple days later, I was on the balcony at my job and noticed the large dent on the roof of my car and several scratches down the trunk. The accident happened pretty fast, so I'm not entirely sure how the damage occurred, but the wooden post did go flying when I hit it. I assume it hit the top of the roof and slid down the back of the vehicle after causing the otherwise unexplainable hole in my hood. I called my adjuster a few days later when my radiator busted, and my engine overheated from the damages. My adjuster, Donovan Gipson, told me to let the body shop know to submit a new supplement for the damage, which they did. Today, the body shop received a call that they were denying the supplement because the damage wasn't originally notated and not part of the initial damage notated, and they didn’t believe that the damage was a result of this particular incident. Yet, damages that are not originally noted are reasons for supplements to be submitted in the first place. I had no idea to tell them that my undercarriage needed to be replaced, but they approved that on the first supplement that was submitted. ALL damages from this accident should be covered through this claim and failure to do so is in bad faith. After informing of this and subsequently filing a complaint through the BBB, they insist that I simply file a duplicate claim and pay another deductible. Honestly, if they truly believed that the damage didn’t come from the incident referenced on the first claim, why would they say that they would approve a second claim? The truth is that their entire job revolves around denying everything they can, even it means lying and lying and then contradicting their own lies. I’ve filed complaints with the Texas Department of Insurance as well as the BB and I will continue to blast this horrible experience to save others from the same…at least with this company. Elephant Insurance, the con artists, may come in with lower rates for your policy, but remember you get what you pay for!