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Dissatisfied customer
Paid for a courtesy car as add on to car insurance. Had an accident and was offered courtesy car for 21 days, excepted their offer when car was officially written off. Next day told i had to return the courtesy car after only 5 days as i had accepted their offer. Spent a whole day on the phone trying to explain i had no car, that i would have to wait 5 days for a cheque in the post and would need 5 days for it to clear and would still need to purchase a new car (which is what i thought the point of 21 days courtesy car was for). I was told i would have to pay for the courtesy car if i didn't return it the next working day. Do not take insurance from this company and definately do not pay extra for a courtesy car as an add on. If your car becomes unusable they will leave you up the creek without a paddle what a rip off company SHEILAS WHEELS and ESURE AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.
5 years ago
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