I would like to give my experience and a very strong warning to stay well clear of this fraudster.
Before reading the rest of this, please Google:
"Damien Zamora End70 scam"
to see the true nature of this individual.
Just over a year ago, I watched a webinar for a system that Zamora was selling It was a way to generate leads for local businesses. I wanted the system for my UK clients, I asked if it was suitable for the UK and was told that it was 100% suitable. After buying it, I was invited to another webinar where we were told, you can’t use this in the UK but we have a “look back” facility which can be used in the UK and as a gesture of goodwill, this would now be free for life. I accepted this compromise and went about the job of setting up all of the peripherals required to market any high-value service. I literally spent hundreds of hours setting up website, collateral, agreements, videos, graphics, social media, marketing, advertising etc. When I tried to go live with my marketing, I was then told that in fact, the look back facility was also not available! I spent months trying to get answers from GoMobile’s appalling farce that they call “support” which is staffed by semi-literate, non-English speaking people, probably in some third world country, that do not even try to help but provide irrelevant nonsense, usually many days or even a week after you have raised a query.
The lookback facility NEVER became available. I never got a refund from Zamora.
Stupidly, in an effort to get my money back I spoke to Zamora and did a deal on his “white label” app development service.
What a scam this app development thing is. You get a website and site builder that looks like something from the ’90s. You get the same semi-literate time-wasters acting as “support and to cap it all, the apps are an absolute joke, they tell you to sell these for up to $4000, they are not worth $40.
Here is the absolute proof that these guys are not just incompetent producers of appalling quality systems, GoMobile Solutions are a fraud.
In this so-called “WHITE LABEL” system, Zamora hides links to HIS OWN SALES PAGES in the customer-facing content, there are hidden links in the “about us” or “privacy policy” to Zamora’s sales pages screaming “Subscribe buy these apps for $97 and sell them for $1000 - $4000 pop!
I can't post links here but contact me and I will provide them.
Zamora also makes sure that his company name and YouTube channel are ALSO in the “white label” videos on your “white label” website as well. His strategy seems to be to get people to buy his crappy systems so that he can then market directly to your expensively acquired prospects and sell them his crappy apps for the same price that you, his so-called white label partner, buys them for.
If you do contact Zamora and try to get a refund, he threatens to libel and slander you. This is what he threatened me with:
“I have many successful people using the very stuff you refer to as scam. I will be reaching out to Chris Munch, Chris Winters and other friends to warn them of working with you..”