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I was lied to by my local ILKB branch about payment options. I was told I would receive 3 free classes, but I was forced to sign up after the first class by shoving paperwork and payment options in my face with extreme pressure to sign up. Everyone I’ve spoken to said they were never able to complete their 3 day trial. She lied when I asked if there were more convenient and lower priced memberships, she said no. After digging through some reviews online I found that there were actually more options. They lied for their own financial gain. When I got injured in a car accident and was unable to participate, I called and told them in advance I would not be able to attend anymore and I will bring a doctors note to cancel when I am able to walk and drive comfortably. They continued to charge my account and claimed they had offered me a “freeze” (which they absolutely did not). So I was charged for 3 months I did not attend. I was also forced to disclose personal information in order to cancel my account. Upon coming into the branch to cancel, they tried sending me back to my doctors office to get a detailed note explaining my exact injuries. I believe that is a violation of HIPPA and I refused to do so. I told them verbally. This company is lying to consumers about prices and company policies. Not to mention they are ethically wrong for pressuring me to sign up and disclose personal medical information, but that’s a whole different issue. This particular branch recently changed their name to ATCK Fitness. I’m not sure if that affects anything. The “kickboxing” they “teach” is also less than satisfactory to say the least. None of these employees are professional, they look like high school kids. They do not teach correct kickboxing as advertised. They refuse to refund me. I’m Currently still seeking a refund for the months I did not attend due to injury, also for lying to me about the price options and terrible “kickboxing lessons”.
4 years ago
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