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My report arrived on-time. I received 7 pages, as opposed to 4, which excited me and i am grateful, and although the review had some nice points and supported arguments, i felt that it drifted into the realm of how the reader would write it, and the story the scenes they would put in, which can be great and food for thought but i did feel that it was detrimental to what the aim was, i.e. to review the script. Please don't get me wrong the writer knows their craft, but it felt that a few points were a bit generic screenwriting points, i.e. more backstory and building the environment of scene. if relevant fine, but it doesn't always enhance the story your telling (i.e. we don't know walter white isn't just a science teacher, but one of the best scientists who helped establish a million dollar company in the 1st episode, but it doesn't take away from the set up of a teacher cooking meth to pay his bills) Also i felt, that considering the tag line i had sent in, the one i received with the report, didn't actually sum up the piece, and if it did, did so in a somewhat amateur / childish way. I am glad i paid for the review, i don't feel cheated in that way but do feel that some of the focus was misdirected. I feel the review was a mixture of both. 3 STARS - You disagreed with much of the analysis but it left food for thought. 4 STARS - Strong analysis in most areas, let down by one or two weak notes. as i in my eyes was a 3 out of 5 job, but i agree more with the statement for 4 stars
8 years ago
Read Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors Reviews
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors has a 4.6 average rating from 717 reviews

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