i signed up on a bitcoin Elon Musk website. First you put your first 500 euro in,then Tim gave me a new trading account manager,Madalin Moise,A Very very Nice and fast talking men,who through Any Desk got into my bank account,,,and while training me (stop loss and leverage,)
push me and help me to transfer me livesavings 100,000 euro to Roivesting
so Madalin push me to open new assets cruid oil gold,silver,dow,natural gas,and we had a small win of 8,000,,then he closed and open the assets again,,,the he pushed me to put more funds on the assets,,,30,000 ,40,000,,,,48,000,,,the next day Madalin was calling me to deposit more money,,,,because the assets where Down.this was a thursday 25 feb 2021,,,,Madalin told me i lost 98,000,,,,2 day after i put 100,000 on my Account so Madilin ,,!5 years Experince in the trading world,,Even after i lost they called me to go to borrow money from my chrildren , or get from bank loan to imvest cause is very good opportunity and that i will get my money back ,,,,,,,SCAMMED ME
then i got Anna P from the complaints department,
and they offer me 3 Waivers,,,,,10,000e,15,000e and 19,000 euros,
or i can go to the ombudsman,,,,,i will ,,,,with the voice tapes
i tried to withdraw the money on my roivesting account,
It is not possible to get your money back. Difficult questions are asked, you need all kinds of bank accounts wit IBAN, SWIFT, BIC code, bak address, stamp e.t.c. and then they Blocked my roivesting Account
felt all was lost and I was dammed until my niece told me to fight them by reporting my situation to a renowned recovery specialist’ through this website address www fosterboon, 0rg ))and I got my money back . They did a fantastic job finding this people and have recovered almost all my money back