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Peter in Brockville
I must congratulate LiveFit for their advertising program but unfortunately it is riddled with errors. I had the misfortune, for my son, to be given a meal package that cost him well over $100! He obviously did not read the reviews. But Buyer Beware! The brochures say that you can open and unpack the delivery box, heat up a meal for 4 minutes and the whole process only takes a total of 9 minutes. Actually a more accurate is, for example, on the Pesto Basil Cod with Spinach Rice and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds that I prepared last evening. Aside from the rice and and a buried slab of cod, the only vegetable evident was one piece of broccoli. Directions say to remove from sleeve and microwave for 2 to 4 minutes on high. Further says that times shown are from fresh room temperature! So the time frame is more accurately about 12 hours defrosting, let come to room temperature [30 minutes at least] and then microing. Hardly a guick meal, last minute select item. Then there is the taste. Blah is my experience and I was not able to finish more than half on any of the 8 meals I tried. With one I actually had to rinse my mouth, not take a drink, to get rid of the odd sensation. I am elderly, totally independent and long experienced cook. For occasional convenience I do use frozen meals. There are some very good ones.
4 years ago
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