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I used to find Loadzalabels helpful but when I called in I was told they had automated their systems. I got the impressed the guy couldn't be bothered to help me so told me to do the ordering myself. I tried! Their system is new and no-one seemed to know how it worked. I couldn't even log in. I even got my hubby to try with the guy from Loadzalabels on the phone. I was left feeling like an idiot. I eventually fathomed out (this wasn't on their webpage) that a validation email is sent and only after clicking you can access your account. Loadzalabels should have known that. I would had saved me a lot of annoyance. Then when trying to order, I had no idea what my previous order was. My old art work wasn't there. It was a massive faff again. I wanted to talk to someone about the slightly blurred printing from my last order but honestly gave up in the end. I did place my order but am going to shop around for my next order.
6 years ago
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