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Roy Langley
I recently had an airbag recall for my, admittedly, old Ford Mondeo. I took it to Lookers to have it exchanged. That part of the job was as expected; no issues, nothing to make them stand out as either good or bad. Then today I tried to open the bonnet of my car and realised that they had pulled so hard on the release catch that they had snapped the cable. I called them to ask them to repair it and they lied and stated they had not attempted to open the bonnet. At the bottom of their repair sheet for the airbag it states they could not open the bonnet so it wasn't checked. How could they know that they couldn't open the bonnet if they didn't attempt it? Yes, my car does have an issue with the bonnet release but I did tell them how to open it and I now cannot open it. To damage a car then refuse to repair it is unforgivable. So basically I got my car back in a worse state than when I gave it to them. I would recommend going elsewhere if you require honesty.
1 year ago
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