We saw the range of leather bags, cases etc online and were impressed by the look and obvious quality. So we placed two orders on 19th September, one for a leather laptop type bag and another for a rucksack style bag.
The website indicated delivery would be within a few days. This was great because I wanted the goods, for my wife's birthday 26th September. The goods didn't arrive and despite reassurances from Made in Tuscany UK in Truro, the bags did not arrive. The laptop bag was then eventually dispatched from Livorno ( Italy) overnight and arrived the following day, after a month's delay. However, when it arrived it did not have my wife's name engraved on it, as requested. We were due to go on holiday on 3rd October and on our way to the airport called Made in Tuscany UK and asked what was happening with the second bag. We were informed that it was on its way, we asked for it not to be delivered until our return on 12th October. When we got home, a soggy wet cardboard box was on our doorstep, anyone could have taken it, fortunately, the bag was largely unaffected. But it shows a complete lack of attention to service. The products are superb in terms of quality, but oh what a shame the service support is non-existent.
5 years ago
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