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Jeffery Fletcher
My operation day at the clinic went in a very professional and relaxed manner, I arrived just after 8am and was greeted by my surgeon, we then sat down and chatted through my expectations, how the day would progress and what to expect, then my head was shaved. After a discussion we finalised the exact position of the new hairline to make sure it was just where I wanted and would still be happy with later in life, and the anaesthetic was injected, those injections do sting a little but are all over in 5 mins, and then a short time later my head was fully numb and the procedure could begin. The 2 nurses extracted the grafts from the back of my head while I put some headphones in and listened to music, its an odd sensation but not a painful one. After that the surgeon took over and made all the little incisions for where the new hairs were going to go, and then we had a short break for lunch, where my choice of food was supplied, and then the final phase in the afternoon was the graft being implanted into my head. Everything was over and done by around 3.30pm - I think I was expecting a lot more drama but with the staff being so friendly the day just flew by. The first few nights sleeping was a little tricky but I got used to it and the little bit of swelling went away after a few days, my head had healed fully by about day 12 and just had a little tenderness in the skin for a couple more weeks. It's just under 2 months now and the first hairs have shedded as it was explained they would, and I've seen the first few hairs starting to grow, even though they aren't predicted until end of month 3 so things are going faster than expected which is a great sign. After care from the clinic has been good with any queries or questions answered quickly. Overall I'm happy I chose this clinic as it was surprisingly affordable compared to some places I'd spoken to and the service provided has been first class.
1 year ago
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