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Being new to the country, they are the only bank that gave us an account; however, that being said it took a while and when I got the account I wrote a cheque from my US bank ( I could not wire the money from the US bank without being there) so I wrote a check. I got four answers as to how long it would take for that money to show up in my account which ranged from 2 weeks to 12 weeks. The person who was to have been the authority was at the number I called on the back of the debit card. He told me in a uncertain terms it would take 6 to 8 weeks and that when it arrives it goes to a clearing house. No one knows what happens after that He said "you probably should've asked before you deposited the cheque." which I thought was rather rude because of course I asked. The bank must care very little about telling their staff the answers to questions that they probably get asked all the time. BTW, none of the answers or guesses were correct. The app was supposed to be very easy to set up but yet it took tech with me about an hour to get everything done. Also I cannot send money to a nearby business because the business has an ampersand in their official name and the app the bank keeps correcting it to the word "and." when I go to verify the recipient it wont because it says it's the wrong name of the company. of course when I ask for help I get a message thay I will get a call back, but it doesnt happen. The banks have closed so many offices they don't have enough people working there and basically they just don't care.
1 year ago
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