I enjoyed Netflix and its variety of content as well as many of Netflix's own productions until, as many series and production teams do, they panic when ratings slack off or have other, less than upstanding reasons to do so and start piling on the gratuitous sex scenes and (mostly) female nudity. Aside from the fact that sex can be conveyed tastefully without being shown, it is blatantly lazy writing that any writer worth his or her salt knows is filler for lack of better content and seems to be perpetuated by immature frat boys, hard up losers, dirty old men, and overzealous lesbians. I don't know if the men and women who produce movies or a series choose to ignore the fact that most men, women, couples, adult families do not appreciate watching a show with their significant other, their parents, grown children, or anyone else, for that matter , with sex scenes. It makes your viewers uncomfortable together for a plethora of reasons and takes away from the storytelling. It's passé. Porn is everywhere; we don't want it in our quality entertainment. If we want to be voyeuristic sex creeps, we can go watch porn. ~ * ~ Maybe those of you who insist on shoving gratuitous sex and overt nudity down our throats just don't give a damn that the rest of us have grown up and we want quality content, not pornography that doesn't move a story forward. ~ * ~ Now I see Netflix has season 1 of a new original, "Hot Girls Wanted, Turned On." Really? Is Netflix governed by a bunch of perverts now? I hope Netflix doesn’t continue down this dark path. ~ * ~ My husband and I are considering cancelling our Netflix membership but first I'm going take this to my screenwriter's group because as mature adults, we have discussed gratuitous sex ad nauseum and all feel the same way about this kind of childish and lazy writing. It adds up to piss poor storytelling. We will share our views about this downturn in Netflix programming on our blogs, with our social media contacts, in letters to editors in our local newspapers, and anywhere else we can be heard. There are screenwriters out here with entertainment gold but the, Powers that Be, continue to cling to the old ways and disappointingly, instead of using this golden opportunity to set itself above and beyond the others in quality entertainment and meaningful storytelling, Netflix productions, it seems, has decided to follow in the footsteps of the rest of the pack who also have failed to notice that their audiences have grown up and demand more substance and less meaningless filler for their entertainment dollar. We don’t want to see gratuitous sex in real stories anymore, it’s disgraceful and wasteful and a low down thing to ask a decent actor to do. We have pornography for that. Your audiences have grown up and matured. Why haven't you?
We are utterly disappointed.
Deborah Galarza