here's a review of Netflix. Prior to COVID19, there was season 6 of Madam Secretary on Netflix. I was binge-watching the whole series, as I didn't watch it when it was on tv, and I would peek at season 6, as I was getting closer to seeing it, so I knew it had 10 shows in that last season, I watched just a tiny bit of the first show in season 6, and was so looking forward to a long night watching that last season. Then I get to the last show of season 5... and all of a sudden, seaon 6 is gone from the listing. I check the "My List" and sure enough, season 6 is gone from any listing on Netflix. I start a chat, and inquire about why season 6 was removed, and the person on the other side of the chat tells me it was never there. I told her it was, I saw it in the list the whole time I was watching 1 thru 5, and even watched a bit of the first show of season 6, as just a tease. I told her I didn't imagine the season 6 in the episode listing. She said she talked with her supervisor, and was told it was never there in the listing. They outright lied to me. I checked again, did a goodle search for season 6 and found it in paid sites, and now Netflix offers for anyone to watch season 6 of Madam Secretary... for $60 and month, for their "+ Plus" service. I would liken this to gouging maybe, or bait & switch even? When COVID19 showed up, man, what a way to make more money, right Netflix? Thank You, Netflix, for your community service and support, and kindness.