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David B
In my seven day free access I dived right into as many of the courses as I could and found Adam to be a brilliant tutor, in terms of his personality, clear presentation, with the crowning experience being the play-a-long examples and guided practice. I cannot fault anything that was covered. For myself, I would love to see a course that specifically covers 'How to solo" beyond use this or that scale or arpeggio over this or that chord. I can find no end of country, rock, pop, blues, and boogie 'riffs' and 'runs' online; but Jazz piano is another matter. Whilst I understand that Jazz is an improvised art form and take on board that only by listening do we gain a deep understanding of how the greats created their lines; is/are there "go to" fundamental runs, riffs, and/or ideas for the beginning/intermediate soloist to make a solo sound 'good'? Do the pros have certain fallback or foundational ideas in mind, or is all soloing purely intuitive? If you already have a course that covers this, please direct me to it. Otherwise, keep up the great work.
3 years ago
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