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Junior Johnson
The actual 10 minute procedure was the easiest part of the whole experience. Although your fully aware during the procedure: the surgeons talking and reassuring you, touching your eyes, the burnins smell of the laser, it was surprisingly simple and quick. Once the anaesthetic begins to wear off the discomfort starts to kick in. You are constantly blinking, unable to focus, your eyes are streaming all the time and it gets progressively worse. Wearing the protective goggles at night was very uncomfortable and you have to be very careful when cleaning the gunk around your eyes. When you see improvement one day and no change or worsening the other it's very frustrating. The first week and the third weeks were personally the worst for me and my eyes constantly feel dry. The blink drops have been my best friend lately and a month after the surgery I am finally seeing results I'm happy with. The imrprovement seems to be at a stable rate instead of fluctuating and I'm happier with the results now.
12 years ago
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