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Margaret Holme
I had laser surgery in both eyes for short-sightedness. The transformation in the left eye was noticable after only an hour. In the right eye I unluckily had DLK, an immune-response complication. This meant that for a week post-op my eye was very itchy and I had blurred vision. I required a small second procedure to clean the eye, after which the vision improved noticably within an hour. Throughout the week of having DLK I went into the clinic almost every day and was very impressed with the standard of care. Even though I was not one of the immediate "success stories", three months on I am extremely happy with the results. A few things to note though that I noticed after my surgery... 20/20 doesn't necessarily mean I see exactly the same out of both eyes. My vision fluctuates on a day to day basis (even before surgery) in both eyes but this is normal. It took a few months for eyes to completely settle down. I am really happy with the results now, and would highly reccomend the procedure and Optical Express.
11 years ago
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