March 2020
If you are reading these reviews and considering surgery, like I did, then please note - There are thousands of other people in hidden social media groups all supporting each other after catastrophic vision correction surgery, most that I have now seen were with Optical Express. If had seen those reviews I would never have taken the risk but it speaks volumes about this organisation that makes these people feel that they need to hide their groups. Most of them paid thousands of pounds to destroy their lives by taking away vision they took for granted until it was gone !
You think, because they wear white coats and look important, that you are dealing with Doctors like you would in the NHS only you're not. If it goes wrong in the NHS they are there to fix it. The measure of a business is what they do to help when it all goes wrong, never was this more true.
I went in to Optical Express because my near sight was deteriorating with age and I struggle with glasses, I was prepared to pay to fix that and after my initial consultation was told that Natural Lens Replacement surgery would give me that near sight back, nothing about specific complications with this procedure in so many other 'customers' only a general disclaimer as you'd get having a knee op in the NHS, despite so many people suffering from the same problems.
I do now have some near sight, a 3 inch deep range so close to my face I have to hover my chin over the mouse-pad of my laptop to see the screen clearly. However, I have now completely lost my intermediate vision and my distance is much worse tan it was before the op. And that's ignoring the numerous other hugely difficult complications I have with my eyes after surgery, or as Optical Express put it, outcomes !
The big problem with losing your intermediate sight is that it's possible to wear glasses to correct the near vision issue I had, there is no solution for the loss of intermediate vision ! Optical Express have no solutions to offer me except ONE contact lens in ONE eye to make my eyes see different things and give me permanently slightly blurred vision throughout my entire range, yes really, or more surgery to change the varifocal lenses they chose to put in for me for monofocal lenses that I can choose to be for near or distance vision, and permanent glasses to see the other !!
I went in with a 4/10 problem - I now have a 9/10 problem that cost me £6000 and can never be fixed and Optical Express refuse to accept that's not what I purchased as they say I just purchased a surgical procedure, not vision. That statement in itself says everything.
Jan 2020
My case is likely to result in legal action and I have been advised not to go into detail in any review.
I am so shocked at my experience with these people that I feel it necessary to post a warning to potential new customers of Optical Express to consider the consequences if you are fitted with the incorrect replacement lenses and the catastrophic effect this will have on your lives and livelihoods. I cannot stress the negative effect it will have on you and your family if your surgery does not turn out as sold. Optical Express will state that, regardless of the outcome, what you are paying for is the actual procedure and will offer very little by way of solutions if it goes wrong. Apparently you are not buying new eyesight, just a half hour surgical procedure.
I will return to this review and add detail at such time I am advised it is appropriate to do so but, in the meantime, if you're just aggravated by having to wear reading glasses, understand that moving that problem to another area in your focal range will turn your life upside down and you will feel a fool for ignoring all the warning signs throughout the extremely pushy sales process !
At the very least you should record all consultations from the outset and be very clear in your questioning of the sales staff as to what you could and should expect and what will be done if it all goes wrong !