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Cornel Corneanu
1. There is an administration that nobody mentioned until I took my card out to pay. It wold have been nice to know about it before even going to see the car. 2. During delivery one of the alloys was curbed. I got it repaired later but that meant taking leave off work and losing one day in the service. 3. The wiper blades were useless and had to be replaced even though the car had just been MOTeed an that's one of the things that has to be checked. I had to replace them at my expense. 4. When the price was removed from the car, the windscreen was badly damaged. 5. The car was devered without any mats even though it was a used car. 6. After purchase, the car had been retained at the garage for 4 days, time in which I should have considered some expensive insurance.
8 years ago
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