BioMax450 - Best B'day gift ever!
I'm a 69 yr old male. Around mid 90's I've become severely allergic to a plethora of things: pollen, mold, dust, bleach, you name it. Later on I found out it was due to constant exposure to chemicals present in commercial cleaning products; a couple of years prior I had set up a residential cleaning service, which I run for well over a decade. And with each season, the severity of symptoms would only get worse and worse. Recently I came in contact with several articles on IR technologies and its many benefits. After a long search, I came across youtuber Alex Fergus videos, who helped me make my mind, finally deciding on PlatinumLED. Comes May, I was asked by a dear friend what I'd like for my b'day, up to 1K. I chose the BioMax450 and, as soon as I received it, put it to good use, once a day for 10 to 20 minutes. Maybe a couple of weeks passed and all of a sudden I was stunned with the realization that all the allergic symptoms that had plagued me for decades, making life absolutely miserable, itchy red eyes, headaches, constant nose drip, earaches, sore throats, were ALL but gone! In a matter of a couple of weeks!!! And a relatively new issue, a patch of psoriasis in the back of my neck by the hairline, also was completely gone. Arthistic pains on my anular finger in the right hand also disappeared. My skin is rejuvenating, I now have much less wrinkles and a few dark age spots on my face are barely visible! So, I waited all this time to submit a review just to make sure none of it was a temporary fix. Four months later, here I am to say my BioMax450 completely changed the quality of life. It comes as no surprise these devices have been approved as a FDA Class II Medical Device, a well deserved recognition. I believe in miracles and finding this machine was, no doubt, a wonderful one!
Pedro C. Pinheiro - Newton, MA