plumbase employed&supported a manipulative user,domesticABUSERwho did what all narcissists do i.e. 1st pretend he was lovely,to trick innocent women into what he pretends was going to be proper relationship-it's a pattern all narcissists do to use,isolate then eventually abuse with most horrendous terrible psychological,physical&threatening multiple tactics of abuse.this plumbase employee abusedTHREEwomen&was rightly sent to court (3separate cases over years)&eventually to prison for psychological,physical&threatening's branch boss went to court with this domestic abuser to support him,as if abuse is okay! when he's abusedTHREEwomen&when companyKNEWhe'd already been to courtTWICEbefore&hadTWOcriminal records&was still onTWOyear's ongoing probation for his dreadful abuse behaviours&manipulation.Boss was vile&insulting to domestic abuser's innocent3rd victim sat at back of court when she had had guts to report abuser several times,guts to sit in public gallery at court at many magistrates' hearings&guts to submit lots of evidence proving he abusedTHREEwomen now!She has permanent injuries abuser gave her.There wereMANYmagistrates hearings cos abuser i.e. narcissist,kept lying trying to plead not guilty but eventually had to plead guilty because there was so much proof&evidence of fact he abused behind closed doors&lied to others as if he wasn't-he knew exactly what he was doing when in abusing mode because he switched his abuse off if others were about.branch boss even phoned3rd victim to say he'd witnessed abuser's abuse at work so knew victim had been manipulated&then had life of hell up against serious crimes of abuse&manipulation.then boss still supported employee who is domestic abuser.boss was rude,horrible,insulting to innocent victim.when innocent victim tried to contact HR dept of thisNATIONALcompany to let them know she'd been so decent&abuser had lied re his past so1st tricked her to do all sorts,be loyal,etc,so firm knew she wasINNOCENTso should not support an abuser,branch boss, knowing HR department wouldn't have approved of him supporting an abuser, lied as if victim had been phoning the boss when she hadn't because truth IS boss had phoned her to say that he'd witnessed the employee who is a domestic abuser abuse people at plumbase,but was still supporting him at court!!!!!!..plumbase should support innocent victims of this abuser (their employee)& NEVERha supported employee who is a serial abuser-they should have instantly sacked abuser but they didn't! this is so appalling.Domestic abuse charities all over the country need to know about this&need to know plumbase is not an employer who behaved appropriately in this situation-supporting domestic abuse is totally inappropriate & wrong!Domestic abuse involves a highly manipulative individual who will have always abused in his previous relationships&always pretend he's not,in order to try to use everyone around him-he's a narcissist,a user,a manipulator&abuser who fools people. it is not right that once plumbase knew he's gotTWOcriminal records they supported him in3rd case where he was rightly being taken to court because he rightly deserved to be put in prison for such serious horrendous crimes against innocent women.his3rd victim is a decent lady who he manipulated into a relationship at 1st with LIES re his past as if he'd been treated badly-this is a lie&trick all narcissists do to use women-his3rd victim was so loyal&decent to him supporting him because,she's a decent lady,&also because he did what all narcissists do:he preyed upon&chose her because narcissists always choose decentest,kindest of ladies to prey upon;he filled her head with lies,so manipulated her from the start in order to use, isolate then eventually abuse with the most horrendous multiple tactics,&once she'd started trying to stand up for herself,try to protect her safety,try to report him,he did what all narcissists do i.e. to twist&hide fact he was abusing her&has abusedTWOother women,he slandered innocent her.once she rightly started reporting him cos he made her live treading on eggshells&forced her to have to leave her home for days on end due to his unpredictable moods&ABUSE,he worsened abuse in severity&frequency&did it in pattern of coercing her back promising to stop abuse,but then abusingWORSEthan ever-another manipulative tactic trick these toxic men use.DOMESTIC ABUSEis more thanABUSE,its manipulation.he made her loose life she'd made through her hard work before she met him.ABUSE is terribleMULTIPLEtactics of psychological,physical&threatening behaviours,plus manipulation.It is a mostSERIOUS HORRENDOUScrime!