Revolut deactivated my account without any reasonable detail or explanation. The vague, obscure, and superficial messages such as what I have received from them regarding the matter do not fit the character of a transparent, reliable, or service-orientated company. Quoted directly from their email to me:
“After reviewing your account, we're sorry to say that we're no longer able to offer you our services and we’ve made the decision to permanently close your account. These are complex decisions, but unfortunately this is final and can’t be appealed.”
There was no follow up or transparent explanation for why my account was closed. They left me with no opportunity to even query the decision, let alone contest it.
Prior to receiving this email, I had tried to report a fraud incident to Revolut. Indeed, a difficult thing to do on their app as there is no evidence of an actual helpline; only “Rita” the bot and an online chat service. Is that really an appropriate method for the customer to contact them in a serious matter such as fraud? No, it is not and it indicates a severe lack of urgency on their side to resolve such matters. I supplied the employee who requested a police case number with the necessary details. As the fraud case included Barclays and Starling bank, I would have also provided those reference numbers when asked to do so.
Then, without any sort of warning or advisement, my account was suddenly frozen. I had to query this myself since they did not have the courtesy to make me aware of the situation. When I queried this, I was given vague responses such as “this is just a security review”, “it is locked due to a standard verification”, “we simply need to check a few things about your account”. Their use of vague and misleading words such as ‘just’ and ‘simply’ only make them sound dishonest and untrustworthy; particularly now, after the fact. The bottom line being that I was left feeling confused, deceived and discarded by a company that I believed would provide me with good service and take care of my financial needs.
Previously, I would have recommended Revolut to anyone. Now, I feel that I can not in good conscience lead anyone to use a company that clearly does not put its customers first, does not operate with transparency, and which will disappoint you when you most rely on them to assist you in financial matters. Reading between the lines of their final email to me, I can only surmise the following possible reasons for why they cut me off as they did:
1. They think that I am a scammer, involved in money laundering or fraud. To that I say, I did my best to provide them with details of the situation, a police case number and I reported it to Action Fraud. They could have contacted Barclays or Starling bank to verify the case. I am not a scammer and resented the insinuation that I am.
2. They don’t put their customer’s needs above their own desire to profit off of them. This results in poor customer service which in turn leaves the customer to wonder whether they are even bothered to give them the time, effort and consideration to resolve their issues in a fair and transparent manner.
3. The system that they use to detect fraud is AI driven and is therefore, in their minds, ‘infallible’ - so its word is final and that’s that. I put it to them that AI is not infallible, it is created by people, and people can make mistakes. Thus companies should understand how AI works and how to challenge automated decisions to ensure at all times that the customer is being put first. Companies should also insure that any AI systems they utilise respect all fundamental rights. AI can affect people’s rights - not just those of privacy or data protection. It seems to me that either they may know this and don’t care, or they may not know this and still don’t care. Perhaps, even worse, they may know this and use it to their advantage. In other words they appear to have an agenda and whatever that agenda may be, it is not for the benefit of their customers.
Now, I am quite certain that I won’t ever receive a response to the complaint I made to them following this incident, considering my previous experiences with them. But that does not matter to me because nothing they say or do will convince me to stay with them as a customer. What matters to me, is that others are aware so that they don’t get pulled into the same trap. I would not want another customer to experience what I have. And judging by what I’ve seen online, through reviews, forums and articles, I’m not the only one who has experienced this, and this problem seems to be slowly but surely catching up with them.