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If there was -0 I would gladly give it. This company should not be operating at all. They advertised smart meter to me like it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I got an appointment and someone came to fix, when he did a demo it was working perfectly well. Few days down the line the HD and meter started freezing and when I called them I was told to give it a few weeks which will sort the problem and now its been months of the "smart" meter playing up. I have to top up with UTR no stood outside on the main meter when it's freezing cold and sometimes it wount take the code I could try 10 times in vain putting those small numbers in. Iam totally disgusted as I have tried to get in touch but they don't ever answer the phone anymore. I have tried the last few days holding 2 hrs at a time and then phone is disconnected. I pity any vulnerable person who is with Sp. Also I have to beg for my 66/67 pounds every month as they say they have applied the credit while they know so well that my "SMART" meter does not communicate with them, or even my HD / phone app.
2 years ago
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